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The widely read Politico.com cites and discusses our coalition letter on the upcoming nomination to the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, to fill Justice's Scalia's seat. [1]

Was Governor John Kasich's line-item veto of the heartbeat bill a violation of the Ohio Constitution? Consider our analysis here.

Phyllis and sons with future Energy Secretary Rick Perry

Priebus: Trump likely to name Supreme Court pick around inauguration time." [2]

The "horrible idea" of a Constitutional Convention - the Convention of States. Coming to a state near you - see our chart!

AP reports that the risk of a Con Con increased with GOP majorities in 33 state legislatures due to the election.
See the top ten reasons to oppose a Con Con.

Trump's imminent decision to fill Justice Scalia's vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court: see the chart of potential nominees here.

Donald Trump's Cabinet is the reportedly the most conservative ever.

BREAKING NEWS: Conservative Rick Perry is the leading candidate for Secretary of Energy. [3]
He spoke at Eagle Council 2015 and withdrew his presidential candidacy during his speech.