Coalition letter against Convention of States

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Coalition Letter against the
Convention of States

The undersigned organizations and individuals stand with the current Constitution and oppose attempts to convene a new constitutional convention under Article V, which might rewrite it.

We urge all Americans to reject state resolutions calling for an Article V constitutional convention that Justice Antonin Scalia condemned as a "horrible idea," that Phyllis Schlafly strongly condemned as "playing Russian Roulette with the Constitution," that Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote against, and that Second Amendment groups like the Gun Owners of America fully oppose. The Founders were very much against holding another constitutional convention, and many of the greatest American statesmen throughout history were in complete opposition to the idea.

The Republican Party platform nearly unanimously rejected an attempt in July 2016 to include a resolution calling for an Article V constitutional convention to enact a Balanced Budget Amendment.

The Constitution has never been the problem, and our political leaders should be defending the Constitution rather than pretending that it is the problem that needs to be somehow corrected. Politicians and courts that do not abide by the Constitution today will not abide by a rewritten one tomorrow.

The so-called "Convention of States" is, by the admission of its promoters, a call for an Article V convention that should be opposed for all the above reasons.