Jayne Schindler

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Phyllis Schlafly’s Example

In the mid 1970s Colorado’s Legislature was having a summer study session to determine the ramifications of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) which Colorado had passed, much like the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare which had to be passed in order to find out what was in it and the true legislative effect on the citizens of our nation.

Being young and naïve’ about all things political, I was finding out enough about the ERA to be very concerned regarding the rights of women. I knew that we needed a leader, a John Wayne so to speak, to ride in and save the day.

At one of the study sessions that John Wayne type of individual showed up wearing a skirt, in the person of Phyllis Schlafly!

I was so impressed with this lovely, knowledgeable and extremely intelligent mother of six who stunned the legislators and the audience with her presentation about the pitfalls of the Equal Rights Amendment.

I knew then and there that this woman set a high standard, one which I wanted to follow, and for the last forty years I have done just that! I joined Eagle Forum in its formative years, reading her books and helping to spread her information on various issues from the ERA to education, national defense, drug abuse, right down to exposing the liberal women’s group N.O.W.!

I and other Colorado women formed our state’s Eagle Forum and worked diligently in 1980 to elect Ronald Reagan as our President.

Phyllis will go down in history as a remarkable leader! She is truly one of the most influential women in America.

Thank you Phyllis! And, to your wonderful family for putting you on loan for so many years in the effort to preserve America for future generations, we offer our unending gratitude.

by Jayne Schindler, Pres. Colo. Eagle Forum