A Choice Not An Echo

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A Choice Not an Echo was one of the most influential political writings in American history, along with Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

A Choice Not an Echo sold millions of copies in 1964 in order to prevent liberal, pro-abortion Nelson Rockefeller from winning the Republican nomination for president. The book was authored and self-published by Phyllis Schlafly in the time period leading up to the Republican National Convention, where the book propelled Barry Goldwater to a stunning upset of Rockefeller for the nomination.

Many people became conservative as a result of reading, including:

  • Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
  • Richard Land, longtime leader of the Southern Baptist Convention
  • South Carolina Senator John Courson
  • Ray Moore, founder of the "exodus" from public schools movement

At the time of their being converted by the book, neither Mike Huckabee nor Richard Land new a single Republican (they grew up in the South in the middle of the 20th century).

Others who have commented on being influenced by reading the book are:

  • Ed Feulner, who built the Heritage Foundation
  • Sylvia Vrabec Estes Park, Colorado, who said "A Choice not an Echo will always remain my political foundation." -

This book is 15 chapters and 126 pages long, including references, and included an endorsement by the conservative older brother (Edgar) of the former President Dwight Eisenhower.