Tom Coburn

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Tom Coburn is a former U.S. Senator who voted against Republicans in order to confirm ultra-liberal Elena Kagan for Solicitor General, which then made her unstoppable to be confirmed as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice where she will issue liberal rules for 30+ years.

Coburn was apparently part of the "Never Trump" movement, as he offered to be a candidate to oppose the nomination of Trump from the floor in Cleveland at the national convention.

As of late 2016 Coburn wrote an article describing himself as the honorary chairman of "American Transparency,"[1] a group apparently unrelated to Coburn's active promotion of an Article V Convention (a Con Con).

In 2015, Coburn disclosed that he "a senior adviser to Convention of States, a project of Citizens for Self-Governance,"[2] but did not make that disclosure in his editorials in late 2016 on the topic.

